Present Subjunctive

Il Presente Congiuntivo



The Italian subjunctive mood is one of the most difficult concepts for English speakers to learn. While English has a subjunctive mood, its grammatical formulations aren't quite as different from the indicative tenses.

You use the subjunctive for various reasons:

cases of desire
Io desidero che vengano.
I hope that they come.

to express doubt
Credo che lui vada.
I believe that he will go.

to make impersonal emotional statements
È bene che sia supportato.
How good that it is supported.

to talk about impeding events
Quando ti vada, mandami saluti.
When you go, say "hi" for me.

Italian also has a past subjunctive that describes past events in the same way as above.



Play parlare
to talk to speak
Play dormire
to sleep
Play andare
to work to move to go
Play vivere
to live

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