I would do that.
Io lo farei.
Would you like to upload a photo to your profile?
Vuoi caricare una foto per il tuo profile?
You would tell him.
Tu glielo diresti.
I would like to work for that company.
Vorrei lavorare per quella società .
Would he talk?
Lui parlerebbe?
What would you like to drink?
Cosa vorresti da bere?
Would you like an appetizer or salad to start?
Vorresti un antipasto o un'insalata per iniziare?
I would like to apply for a job at that company.
Vorrei candidarmi per un lavoro in quella società .
Would you like a dessert?
Gradiresti un dessert?
I would like to make a reservation for 8 o'clock tonight.
Vorrei fare una prenotazione per stasera alle otto.